Monday, April 19, 2010

Welcome to Moone Light Publishing's Website!

Our offerings are for the seeker...those who are looking at The Big Questions, hoping to find some comforting answers before they die. Our work is light and, hopefully, inspiring. My first book, Wholistic Youthing...A Woman's Guide to Slowing Aging, c 2000, $30 & $5 s&h, is for women primarily, aged 20-60, and is a compilation of excerpts from writings by people involved in wholistic healing, living long and dying well, along with my own contributions.

All the other offerings are concerned with that Last Great Mystery...Death. They, too, are light, inspiring and very useful to both men and women, ages 20-60.

Please call us at 570.226.2036 or write: for a sample chapter or to place an order. Thank you for your interest. Blessings! Corrie Moone

Sister's Little Book of Prayers, c 2001,
$10 & $2 s&h; 20 uplifting "Special Occasion" Prayers

Table of Contents:

"The Third Millenium Prayer"

"Now Power" Prayer

"Give Us This Day Our Daily Prayers"

"Seeing the Sacred"

"Prayer of the Angels"

"Prayer of Gratitude"

"Abstinence Prayer"

"Prayer for Positivity"

"Prayer for Leadership"

"Prayer of Affirmation"

"Prayer for Those Suffering"

"Forgiveness Prayer"

"Prayer for Those Dying"

"Prayer for Departing the Body"

"Prayer for the Departed Animal Companion"

"Where Peace Is"

"Thank You"

"Universal Prayer"

"Prayer to the Creator"

"The Last Prayer"

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Sample Prayer...

"Prayer for the Third Millenium"

Let us take the time, offered as a prayer and a promise,

to inscribe on the clean slate of this pure, unsullied 1000 years,

our highest motivations to manifest Divine potential,

by living every moment in radiant Love.

Ever conscious of the Divine in-breath and out-breath,

thinking purely, with compassion, honoring Truth,

acting with grace, kindness and charity

every moment, hour, day and decade

with which we are blessed,

we reveal our Divinity throughout this Earthly life.

May we bear in our minds and hearts

the wisdom of unity,

the knowing that all life is One,

respect for all species and Mother Earth,

and intolerance of unrighteous, ego-dominated

planetary corruption or exploitation in any form.

Our prayers include pleas for strength to serve the Divine,

patience and moderation in our daily affairs, as well as gratitude

for all the blessings we recognize in our lives

as we enter this challenging new era.

We pray for continued Divine protection

as the turbulence arising in the years to come increases,

and are grateful for the care we have always received

from the Higher Powers.

With gratitude to life itself...

blessings to Earth and all that moves upon it.

c "Sister" 12.31.2000

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